So, I'm a nanny. I recently found out that the budgets for the theatre I worked at were cut. Therefore, I am no longer gainfully employed, according to the government. Now I have a choice. I can either find a new career, which will pay less than my nanny jobs, I can ask my nanny employers to start paying taxes on me, which means I get a lot less per immediate pay check, but I can get awesome health insurance, at a very low cost. Or I could do nothing. Well, right now I'm at the nothing stage. I'm making less than I did for the four months I did get paid at the theatre, and I still don't have insurance.
My new question is, what if I had gone ahead and signed up for insurance while I still had that job? What then? How do I fix that? And would I still get the same awesome insurance or would they penalize me, like usual, for something out of my control?
The answer so far? I don't know! I've Googled it, to no avail, and their website is dreadfully unhelpful.
In other news, I'm terribly afraid of what's next for me. I've no idea what I'd like to do as a career, and I don't even have a degree in general theatre. (Special note: no one knows of a stage production of Hamlet that uses lots of special effects, moving set pieces, and possibly pyrotechnics? No? Didn't think so.)
It's become a serious problem. I can't sleep, last night I burst into tears when Rob told me, "Happy five months!" and just keep cleaning the house, hoping something will "come to me" or whatever.
So, in case you skipped to the bottom, I am unemployed, crazy, and slowly growing into OCD.
That's all for now.
Xoxo Alison
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