Thursday, February 20, 2014

Feeling under the weather

Lately I've been feeling like I'm losing grip. Almost as though I'm living vicariously through my stories rather than living my life. I'm avoiding truths and realities, shying away from facts that are scary and truly not facing the truth. I do not make enough to financially support myself.

I have earned a promotion at my job, but I've yet to get it because it's almost summer and they need to schedule camps... I really need the pay raise and I feel like I deserve it, but I'm loathe to push for it. It's in the works...

Well, in the mean time my boyfriend and I eat like football players, and due to my allergies, well it's not cheap to eat, period. I have student loans, bills, and health and dental to pay every month. Not to mention half of a mortgage and groceries..
Did I mention I want a puppy? A Rhodesian Ridgeback to be exact. And we are trying to go through a breeder, whose husband is having health problems, so she doesn't know if she'll breed her dog. But I really like her, and I really want her to breed and have puppies.

Also, I am crazy afraid of having kids, but I want them so much.

So, yes, I'm feeling under the weather.

What is your favorite stress relief tactic? Mine is singing a happy song, or delving into a great book.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

So, you stabbed yourself in the leg... Wait, what?!

About a month ago I was babysitting this adorable 9 month old. He had a Christmas present that was still in the box. So I, the kind nurturing nanny I am, decided to open it for him. Well, I didn't want to leave him alone for more than a moment, so I quick grabbed a small paring knife.

Lucky me, this little gem of a toy had triple strength zip ties holding it in place. So, when I was on the second zip tie, the knife glanced off of it and buried itself in my leg. Again, lucky me.

In shock, I pulled the knife out and jammed my hands on the wound. Swearing like a sailor, I tried to stand. Well, you can imagine how that went. So, in serious trouble, I called my sister. She immediately told me to call the lady I was working for. Thank goodness I did! Had I called a minute later she would have been in class.

I received 8 stitches that day, and vowed never to use a knife on zip ties again.

Never worry about telling the parents about something, especially if you or the child have gotten hurt! They need to know, and I'd guess they will be very glad you told them.

Say no to knives!

Xo Alison

Health Care... And why I still don't have it.

So, I'm a nanny. I recently found out that the budgets for the theatre I worked at were cut. Therefore, I am no longer gainfully employed, according to the government. Now I have a choice. I can either find a new career, which will pay less than my nanny jobs, I can ask my nanny employers to start paying taxes on me, which means I get a lot less per immediate pay check, but I can get awesome health insurance, at a very low cost. Or I could do nothing. Well, right now I'm at the nothing stage. I'm making less than I did for the four months I did get paid at the theatre, and I still don't have insurance.

My new question is, what if I had gone ahead and signed up for insurance while I still had that job? What then? How do I fix that? And would I still get the same awesome insurance or would they penalize me, like usual, for something out of my control?
The answer so far? I don't know! I've Googled it, to no avail, and their website is dreadfully unhelpful.

In other news, I'm terribly afraid of what's next for me. I've no idea what I'd like to do as a career, and I don't even have a degree in general theatre. (Special note: no one knows of a stage production of Hamlet that uses lots of special effects, moving set pieces, and possibly pyrotechnics? No? Didn't think so.)

It's become a serious problem. I can't sleep, last night I burst into tears when Rob told me, "Happy five months!" and just keep cleaning the house, hoping something will "come to me" or whatever.

So, in case you skipped to the bottom, I am unemployed, crazy, and slowly growing into OCD.

That's all for now.

Xoxo Alison

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

So... What DO you eat?

Fellow food allergic friends,

I'm sure you've all been asked similar questions about your diet, or heard statements like, "I'd die if I couldn't eat...insert allergy here." Honestly though, the only times I find it difficult is when a well meaning friend thinks she knows what I can and cannot eat. It is so tough to tell a friend that you'd rather not chance your well being on their, "I promise I double checked, but I don't have any of the containers..." It's not what they want to hear. Now, you could chance it and try their dish, you could prepare and bring your go to allergy saviors, or you can just eat before hand. What I've found helps, is offering to help can be the key.

When you find out that your friend is having a party offer to pitch in. Let them know that you realize it can be difficult to cater for your allergies and you'd love to help in any way you can. Suggesting a recipe, going to the grocery store with them, helping with the cooking or setup, offering to give advice on brands and ingredients, or just simply make a dish to bring, so that the hostess has less to worry about.
This way your friend has no disappointment, and you have no worries. Plus, then when other guests ask you what on earth you eat, just offer them a delicious sample of gluten free, soy free, dairy free, nut free, and corn free deliciousness. Wow them with clean food that you can eat.

Until next time!

xoxo Alison

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Rob, meet Alison

I met Rob on, so I guess it can work. When I created my profile, I chose not to list my food allergies, since it can be a big deterrent and, to be honest, it was nice to pretend I was "normal".
So on our first date I dropped the bomb, not only did I have food allergies, but I have 5, that are found in almost everything.
Thankfully he planned a lunch date at a restaurant I could eat at, Bouldin Creek Cafe. He was already seated when I arrived, and the waitress came over once I was seated. I asked her for the gluten free menu and braced myself for what came next.
One of the reasons Rob's messages appealed to me was his politeness and sincerity. I hoped that would translate once I informed him of my life altering condition.
He took it in stride, a health food connoisseur, he was up for the challenge. I was so excited to meet someone who wasn't scared off by my allergies, someone who was actually interested in alternative lifestyles.

xo Alison  


Hello there!

My name is Alison. I am a 25 year old, living in Austin, TX. I have Coeliac Disease and 4 other food allergies/intolerances. I live with my boyfriend, Rob, who is essentially allergic to the outdoors.

I am a part time nanny for 3 families, and a babysitter for at least 5 others. I used to work at a theatre, but budget cuts have cost yet another hardworking American her job.

Now I'm here to tell you about my crazy day to day adventures, the interesting food we cook in our multi-allergy home, moving in with a boyfriend after knowing him for, a month maybe? And of course, the insane roller-coaster it is to care for other people's children.

I hope to share insights into how I schedule and balance my life, strategies I'll attempt while searching for a new job/actual career, workouts, recipes, magazine/internet articles I've found useful, and of course, the joys of living in today's world with multiple food allergies.

That's all for now, as the 9 month old is awake. Hope to talk to you again real soon!

xo Alison